“The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil Constitution, are worth defending at all hazards; and it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors: they purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood, and transmitted them to us with care and diligence. It will bring an everlasting mark of infamy on the present generation, enlightened as it is, if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or to be cheated out of them by the artifices of false and designing men.” Samuel Adams

Monday, February 3, 2014

Lazy Citizenship is Destroying America

Too often in today's America, citizenship is taken for granted and our country is on "cruise control". A majority of Americans have acquiesced to letting someone else exercise their God-given rights for them while they do what is easiest. This approach has brought us a Congress, Presidency, and even a Judiciary that not only no longer honor and uphold the Constitution as written and intended by our Founders, but also has brought us a Government that flaunts in our faces its "I'm not answerable to you!" attitude in its daily operations and abuses. It seems the majority of citizens agree with this, because they will not get off their fat posteriors and grab Government by the neck to shake it back into compliance.

Freedom was paid for in blood by our forefathers. Some still fight for that freedom, but it is woefully few. Less than one percent of our population at one time serves in the Armed Forces of the United States.  These valiant men and women still know what it is to be the Minutemen of Liberty. They sign a check to this nation for a price of "My life on demand" so that the rest of the 300 plus million citizens can sit back and enjoy the vanishing freedom our service members' blood has bought. Our oh so grateful nation has, in turn, allowed that precious freedom be squandered as Government has daily become more oppressive, taken and abused our rights, ignored the Constitution and duly passed laws, and spent our hard earned money like it came from a bottomless pit.

The path charted by this Government off the leash of a watchful citizenry has brought us to the brink of economic destruction. Indeed, we have been taken so far into debt that our currency is nothing more than a promise of the citizens' slavery to Government excess. Your childrens' childrens' children are now responsible for a debt run up by a Government that sees no harm in raising the National Debt every chance it gets. There has been no sincere effort to pay off the National Debt in nearly seventy-five or more years. Our currency is no longer based on a Government holding of precious metals in a vault at Fort Knox.  That gold is gone.  There is no basis for repayment of the amount listed on printed Government currency other than the future productivity of its citizenry as represented by the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).  That means each dollar bill is an I owe you for the labor of a citizen.  Even more unfortunately, the number and percentage of able American citizens that work is shrinking daily. Half of America is on the Government dole, all backed by a debt of promise of the labor of that citizenry. Until those citizens wake up and recognize that THEY, not the Government, are in charge, the chains of slavery grow tighter on our necks each hour.

America, your wake up alarm is sounding. If a majority of responsible citizens do not stand up and in a united voice tell our Government "STOP!", we are doomed to be slaves to a corrupt few we have mistakenly voted to represent us. Citizenship is a personal responsibility, just as your rights are God-given (not Government granted) individual rights. Exercise and use your power and rights or you will most certainly lose them completely. We cannot afford to wait until tomorrow to do something.

Stand strong, Patriots!  No Compromise, No Surrender! 

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